Thursday, November 15, 2007

Community Walk

Ward 4 Councilmember Muriel Bowser loves the community walk. This evening, a community walk will be held starting from the Takoma Metro station at 5:45. Apparently, Chief Lanier is coming along as well. This will be followed by a meeting at 6:30 at the Takoma Village Cohousing to discuss a community action plan.

Crime is rampant all over 4D. The crime stats for 4D in October show a consistent rise in crimes like burglary, robbery, assault with deadly weapons, and stolen autos. This is very disconcerting because, as any Washingtonian knows, winter usually brings a decrease in crime. So, to address this, we're doing a community walk. Yeah, that makes sense.

What we really need is to address the piss-poor laws in this city. For example, I see guys get busted for drugs who are then released onto our streets the next day. The DC jail is a revolving door. And people arrested for all sorts of things have discovered that all they have to do is slap a complaint against the arresting officer and their case can get thrown out of court! The people in this city have zero respect for law enforcement. They have no respect for the law, and they have no respect for the personal safety of others. My dog is more conscientious of others' safety than are most of the thugs roaming my block. I was never a huge fan of the death penalty, but I'm beginning to realize that all the other options (rehabilitation, short jail sentences, etc) are just not working.

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